Mackay Mens Shed Inc

43 Cremorne Street, Cremorne QLD, Australia

About Mackay Mens Shed Inc

    Mackay Men’s Shed, is a community organisation that provides a supportive and inclusive environment for men to connect, engage,
    and participate in practical and social activities. The Mackay Men’s Shed is a registered member of the Australian Men’s Shed Association
    and an independent Incorporated Community Group

    Our Men’s Shed has been making a significant impact in the lives of many men in our community.
    The Mackay Men’s Shed provides the opportunity to develop new skills and an opportunity to connect, converse and grow friendship networks.

    Our members come from all walks of life and bring with them a vast array of life and work skills.
    A quick calculation reveals that we have in excess of 1,000 years of life skills that we can share in.

    Come down, have a chat, check out or products and services.

    We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 08:30. Smoko is around 10:00 am.

    Mackay Mens Shed Inc

    Our Address

    43 Cremorne Street, Cremorne QLD, Australia

    The following are the most frequently asked questions with answers!

    Question: What skills do I need to become a member of the Mackay Men’s Shed?

    Answer: There are no specific skills required to become a member of the Mackay Men’s Shed, we welcome men from all walks of life, we all have something to share and learn.

    Question: Who is eligible to join the Mackay Men’s Shed?

    Answer: Men only (Sorry ladies – we do invite you to the shed you just cannot become a member)

    Question: How often do you meet or when is the shed open?

    Answer: The shed is open Mon / Wed / Fri from 08:30 – 12:00 and we hold formal meetings monthly.

    New Supporter

    Become a supporter of the Mackay Men’s Shed Inc by pledging a donation, ongoing sponsorship or providing us the opportunity to work for you as an individual or within the community.