ESA Australia – Alpha Rho Mackay

About ESA Australia – Alpha Rho Mackay

    Alpha Rho was formed in early 1993 and later chartered on 11 Dec 1993.

    Since its inception, the ladies of Mackay have raised in excess of $500,000 that has been contributed to Cancer Council of Queensland as well as the Leukaemia Foundation. Donations were also given to local charities such as Mackay State Emergency Service, Red Cross, Sarina and Mackay Meals on Wheels, Francis of Assisi Nursing Home, Mater Hospital Palliative Care Unit and the Mackay Base Hospital Oncology Ward, just to name a few.

    Their support also reflects in ESA Australia’s State Cancer projects by hosting Biggest Morning Tea and the sale of merchandise for Daffodil Day.

    Alpha Rho concentrates a lot of their efforts on selling Art Union tickets which raises money for Cancer Research and other related projects.

    Every year, the locals of Mackay have come to “expect” to see the ladies gift-wrapping at Caneland Central Shopping Centre as well as catering at the local Bunnings with a Sausage Sizzle.

    ESA Australia – Alpha Rho Mackay

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